The author: (شيخ مسعود بن يوسف سمرقندي)Shayx Masʼud ibn Yusuf Samarqandiy
INN: 1
The book consists of three volumes. The last (upon arrival) page is torn. At the beginning of each volume is given its content (fehrist). The first vo...
The author: Ali ibn Ahmad al–G'uriy
INN: 30
The work is devoted to the interpretation of prayer, sacrifice, manners in various recitations and several surahs. In particular, in the content of th...
INN: 31
The author: Abdurahmon ibn Muhammad ibn Sulaymon Galibuliy Shayxzoda
INN: 11
Heading: ...وفقنا لمداومة الصلاة... Ending: ولو أطلق لغير الوارث لا يصح بيعه لأن الوقف إذا بطل عاد إلي ملك وارث الوقف وبيع مال الغير لا يجوز بغير ط...
The author: Muhammad ibn Shayx Muhammad Rabhomiy
INN: 12
Heading: ...وجمله مخلوقات نوع انسان را خلاصه آفرینش گردانیچ وآدمی صفی را صلوات الرحمن علیه در زمین خلیفه آفرید که ... Ending: سال تاریخش رقم کرده ج...
The author: Shayx Abdulqodir ibn Mustafo ibn Abdulqodir al-Biysoriy ar-Rofe’iy (1248 – 1323-h.\1832-1905-m.)
INN: 13
Heading: الحمد لله الذي من علينا بتنوير البصائر والأبصار وهدانا إلى التمسك بشريعة المختار... Ending: ويمتعنا بالنظر على وجهه الكريم في حوار نبي...
The author: Shamsiddin Muhammad Xurosoniy Ko‘histoniy (953 hijriy, 1546 m da vafot qilgan)
INN: 14
Heading: الحمد لله الذي فضلنا بتعليم أصول مبسوط الجامع الكبير من الأحكام وكرمنا بتقسيم فروعه إلي أن نقدر ... Ending: الحمد لله والمنة كه كتاب جامع ...
The author: Alauddin ibn Muhammad ibn Abidin. (1244-1306 -1828-1889 m)
INN: 15
Heading: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله المتوحد بإبداع المصنوعات المتفرد باختراع المخلوقات .... Ending: وذلك بالمطبعة الميمنية بمصر المحروسة المحمي...
The author: Ubaydulloh ibn Mas`ud
INN: 20
The book method is dedicated to fiqh, that is, the rules and methods of government in Sharia. The book is finished. There are two works in the book: o...
The last pages of the book arenot available. The beginning is decorated with golden patterns. The pages are framed in red....
The author: Shamsiddin Kohistoniy
The initial and the last parts of the book are not available. Никоҳ, талоқ, рибо масалалари келган...
The author: Ubaydulloh ibn Mas’ud
The book has no beginning and no end. There is no information about the author and the secretary. It is known from the contents that this is a book by...
The author: Shamsiddin Kohistani
The book consists of 1-2 chapters, starting with the book of Taharat and ending with the book "Emancipation of Slaves". The book is complete. The tabl...
The book consists of 3-4 chapters, starting with the book of Bay' and ending with the chapter "Different Issues". The book is complete. No back cover....
The book consists of 3-4 chapters, starting with the book of Bay' and ending with the chapter "Different Issues". The book is complete. The pages on t...
The author: Shamsuddin Muhammad
The work begins with the book of ablution and ends with a chapter on various issues. The blank pages at the beginning and end of the work contain note...
The author: Ubaidullah ibn Mas'ud ibn Taj us-shari'a
The book has no end. This book is written in a quick script and may be intended for an educational institution. Because the book does not have any dec...
The author: Alisher Navoi
Боши: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم يعني پناه می طلبم من بسوی الله تعالی از شر شیطان صفت شیطان این است که رجیم است یعنی زانده شد...
The author: -
Boshi:من الظهر في الركوع وابتلاع ما بين الأسنان Oxiri:بلا عذر ولو طرى فواته بدون اختياره...