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(التوضیح مع التلویح) Tavzeh ma`a at-talveh

Field Usulul fiqh

INN: 251

The author: Ubaydulloh ibn Mas`ud

Source type: Lithography

Language: Arabic

Number of pages: 362


Description: The book method is dedicated to fiqh, that is, the rules and methods of government in Sharia. The book is finished. There are two works in the book: one by Ubaydullah ibn Mas'ud, author of Tawzeh, and the other by Taftazani, author of Taleh.

Heading: الحمد لله الذي أحكم بكتابه أصول الشريعة الغراء ورفع بخطابه... Ending: وهما حق الله تعالى يجب الضمان لوجود العصمة والله ولي التوفيق وبيده أزمة التحقيق

