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(التحرير المختار لرد المختار) At–Tahrir ul–Muxtor li–raddil muxtor

Field Fiqh

INN: 15

The author: Shayx Abdulqodir ibn Mustafo ibn Abdulqodir al-Biysoriy ar-Rofe’iy (1248 – 1323-h.\1832-1905-m.)

Source type: Lithography

Language: Arabic

Number of pages: 208


Description: Heading: الحمد لله الذي من علينا بتنوير البصائر والأبصار وهدانا إلى التمسك بشريعة المختار...
Ending: ويمتعنا بالنظر على وجهه الكريم في حوار نبيه الكريم عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم آمين Printing of a book lover: دار الطباعة الأميرية ببلاق

The work is complete and consists of two sections. The content is complete. The work was carved in the Egyptian printing house “source” in 1323 on the initiative of the author's son. The work is a reference to “Radd ul-Mukhtar” by the famous scholar of Hanafi Fiqh Ibn Abidin Hazrat and consists of two volumes. The themes in it are arranged in the same order as in traditional Hanafi books. The first chapter begins with the book of ablution and ends with the book of talaq. And the second section begins with the book of ITK and ends with the book of Faruz (heritage).

