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Kanz ul–ibod fi sharhil avrod

Field FIQH

INN: 8

The author: Ali ibn Ahmad al–G'uriy

Source type: Lithography

Language: Arabic and Persian

Number of pages: 474


Description: The work is devoted to the interpretation of prayer, sacrifice, manners in various recitations and several surahs. In particular, in the content of the book, the topics are as follows: Statement of repentance, basmala's absence from the Koran, places of recitation, season of recitation, remembrance and calamity, reproach in gossip, long dream, interpretation of the haqala, prayer of the dawn and the Sunnah of the morning, knowledge and matters of Qibla, prayer manners, intention, Fatiha, unbelief, interpretation of the most intimate suras, about the public and judgments, to replace the prayer, judgments, Iftitah takbiri, Ibn Masud tashahhudi tashahuddan kyeyingi mentions, asmoi husno meanings, Messenger s.a.names of v, Falaq, Nos, Ayatal cursiy, interpretation of some verses, meanings of sidq lafzi, Nabiy s.a.tastes of v and others. Various fiqh and mystical sources were used in the work. Sometimes Arabic texts are bypassed, sometimes a Persian comment is written to them. The work is apparently like a review of Shihobiddin Suhravardi's work. The publisher is Khivalik Qari Ali Akbar ibn Abdullah Nogayev. The book is fully saved.

Inventory number: 30
Book name: Kanz ul-ibod fi reviews avro
Field: Fiqhiy Sufi
Book type: stonework
Author: Ali ibn Ahmad al-Ghurair
Transporter\printing: Kariya printing in Kazan
Date of publication: 1909
Paper type    
Language: Arabic-Persian
Page number: 474
Lettering: the Belts are numbered, there are also racers
Page size: 26x17 CM
Number of lines: 29
Writing type: Nasx
Cover: Solid
Head: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اعظم المحامد لله العظيم واكرم الصلوة على رسوله الريم اماكعد فان هذا شرح اوراد الشيخ الاجل...
تم اصلاح العباد في الشرح the end طبع obscene المسوم بكنز باجتهاد مصححي المطبعة عباراته الكثيرة من الجهلة من الخطايا المتلوثة بالاغلوطات وتحريف الناسخين وبتصحيح الحاصلة في شوال سنة ١٣ ١٤ لعب ايدي الطلبة سنة١٣٢٧ المصادفة ١٩٠٩ الميلادية المصادف اوقتوبرس
Bookman seal:    
Description of the book: The Work is devoted to the interpretation of prayers, sacrifices, manners of various mentions and several suras..v

