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(مجمع الأنهر في ملتقي الأبحر) Majma’ ul–anhur fiy sharhi multaqo al-abhur

Field Fiqh

INN: 13

The author: Abdurahmon ibn Muhammad ibn Sulaymon Galibuliy Shayxzoda

Source type: Lithography

Language: Arabic

Number of pages: 670


Description: Heading: ...وفقنا لمداومة الصلاة... Ending: ولو أطلق لغير الوارث لا يصح بيعه لأن الوقف إذا بطل عاد إلي ملك وارث الوقف وبيع مال الغير لا يجوز بغير طريق شرعي...

The work is devoted to the science of jurisprudence. 1998 published in Lebanon-Beirut in four volumes in the publishing house” Dorul kutub ul-ilmiya". In the first volume, starting with”Book of ablution “and ending with”Book of breastfeeding“, the second volume ranges from”Book of divorce “to”book of Foundation“, the third volume from”Book of Commerce “to”book of Ijora“, the fourth volume from”Book of Mukotab “to”book of Heritage". The topics covered by this stone are: “the Book of ablution”, “The Book of Prayer”, “The Book of Zakat”, “The Book Of Fasting”, “The Book of Hajj”, “The Book Of Marriage”, “The Book of breastfeeding”, “The Book Of Divorce”, “The Book of Itaq (the removal of the truth from the neck)”, “The Book of Oath”, “The Book of territory (punishment)”, “The Book of theft”, “The Book of Siyar (Jihad),” The Book of Lagit (abandoned baby)“,” The Book of Luke (the find the book of Ma'fqud, The Book of the company, and The Book of the foundation.

