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Saloti Masʼudiy (صلاة مسعودي)

Field FIQH

INN: 5

The author: (شيخ مسعود بن يوسف سمرقندي)Shayx Masʼud ibn Yusuf Samarqandiy

Source type: Lithography

Language: Persian

Number of pages: 200


Description: The book consists of three volumes. The last (upon arrival) page is torn. At the beginning of each volume is given its content (fehrist). The first volume is devoted to Creed, Imam Abu Hanifa manakibs, ablution, some innate manners. The second volume begins with the theme of the mash and is devoted to the issues of ablution and prayer.

Field: Islamic jurisprudence.

Book type: stonework

Author: (شيخ مسعود بن يوسف سمرقندي) Sheikh Mas'ud ibn Yusuf Samarqandiy

Transporter\printing: Karimi printing

Date of publication: 1314 month of the year Zulqar

Language: Persian

Page number: Volume 1: page 216.

Volume 2: page 200. Volume 3: page 156

Page: numbered

Page sizes: 27x18, 5

Number of lines: 27

Recording type: frequency

Cover: Solid

