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(قرة عيون الأخيار) Qurratu uyunil axyor

Field Fiqh

INN: 17

The author: Alauddin ibn Muhammad ibn Abidin. (1244-1306 -1828-1889 m)

Source type: Lithography

Language: Arabic

Number of pages: 360


Description: Heading: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله المتوحد بإبداع المصنوعات المتفرد باختراع المخلوقات .... Ending: وذلك بالمطبعة الميمنية بمصر المحروسة المحميه بجوار سيدي أحمد الدردير قريبا من الجامع الأزهر النير وذلك في شهر صفر سنة ١٣٢١ هجرية علي صاحبها أفضل الصلاة وأزكي التحية آمين

The book consists entirely of two Juzi. The content of each juz is given at the beginning of the juz. The work was written by the author as an appendix (supplement) to the book of his father Ibn Abidin “frame”. The work begins with questions of faith, and then ends with the first juza topics of ablution, prayer, zakat, fasting, Hajj, marriage, divorce, and the second juza discusses issues such as ITC, oath, territory (punishment), theft, jihad, donation, bay (trade), guarantee, piling, etc.

