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Ahmad Hodiy Maqsudiy Muallimi soniy (Hofiz g'azallari)

Field Literature

INN: 933

The author: Hafiz Sheroziy

Source type: rash

Language: Persian

Number of pages: 107


Description: Boshi: بده ساقي مي باقي كه Oxiri: در آرزوي كذشته كم ياد كنيم

The book has no beginning and no end. The name of the book is also unknown. The book contains poems written in Persian. Since the titles of the poems begin with the name "Hafiz" and similar Hafiz, it can be concluded that the author of this work is Hafiz Sherozi. The pages of the book are torn. On page 110, the rubai begin. There are no first 6 pages of the book, and there are not a few pages in between. There is no end.

