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Maxzanul maqsud - مخزن المقصود

Field Islamic jurisprudence

INN: 961

The author: Xoja ibn Mansur Xoja

Source type: lithography, manuscript

Language: Persian, Turkish

Number of pages: 112


Description: Boshi:بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين يعني حمد ثابت بولسون Oxiri:نماز جمع بولور تورت أولغي برلان يعني فرض برله

The first page of the book is a mixture of lithography and manuscript pages, the first page is titled Makhzanul Maqsud, the next page is Farzi with the same Turkish title, Persian text begins on page 9, Turkish text on page 13, Persian text on page 32, Turkish text on page 35. , Pages 60-61 also contain some pages on the science of arithmetic, etc. There is a manuscript on page 101, a lithograph sheet on page 106, and the rest on jurisprudence. lyuzma pages. There is no single work in the book at all. The pages of various manuscripts and lithographs are compiled.

