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Bayozlar to'plami Andalib

Field Literature

INN: 934

The author: Ahmad Yassaviy.

Source type: Manuscript

Language: Turkish

Number of pages: 119


Description: Boshi: جفا فيل اولمانك ايلار دنيا يلاندور Oxiri: شول مرتبه بيلان الار جام وفات ايماس ايردي

The book begins with Turkish poetry. On page 11, the story of Moses and Pharaoh is given in verse. On page 21, Mustafa began as a story from s.a.v. On page 37, another story began. On page 40, the story of Kul Hoja Ahmad begins. On page 45, laments to Allah begin. On page 52, another prayer begins, and on page 71, the story begins. The book contains interesting religious stories of various contents.

