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KPT Farhangi Persian to Turkish
Field An old manuscript
INN: 316
The author: -
Source type: rash
Language: Arabic
Number of pages: 180
Description: -
Field An old manuscript
INN: 316
The author: -
Source type: rash
Language: Arabic
Number of pages: 180
Description: -
The author: (شيخ مسعود بن يوسف سمرقندي)Shayx Masʼud ibn Yusuf Samarqandiy
INN: 1
The book consists of three volumes. The last (upon arrival) page is torn. At the beginning of each volume is given its content (fehrist). The first volume is devoted to Creed, Imam Abu Hanifa manakibs, ablution, some innate manners. The second volume begins with the theme of the mash and is devoted to the issues of ablution and prayer.
The author: -
INN: 9
The work is devoted to the interpretation of Fatiha surah in full.
The author: Boborahim Mashrab
INN: 7
«Mabdayi nur» asosan Jaloliddin Rumiyning «Masnaviy»si ta'sirida yozilgan. «Mabdayi nur» quyidagi tartibda bitilgan: asarning boshlanish qismida Jaloliddin Rumiyning «Masnaviy»sidan ilk bayt olingan va shu ilk bayt sharhi sifatida kirish qismi yozilgan. Bundan kyeyin shu «Masnaviy»dan turli baytlarni saylab olib har bir qismning boshlanmasiga bitilib, undan kyeyin Mashrabning o'zi shu baytlarning sharhi sifatida turli diniy-afsonaviy, axloqiy hikoyatlarni byergan. «Mabdayi nur» 176 ta diniy, afsonaviy, axloqiy hikoyatlardan, 30 ta ta'limiy parcha, 35 ta g'azal, 2 ta o'zbyekcha, 1 ta arabcha mustazoddan iborat.» Mazkur, masnaviy usulida bitilgan «Mabdayi nur» o'z xaraktyeri bilan Sa'diyning «Bo'ston», Alishyer Navoiyning «Hayratul-abror»laridagidyek falsafiy-axloqiy yo'nalish mazmunida. «Mabdayi nur» Jaloliddin Rumiyning «Masnaviyi ma'naviy» asaridagi mashhur: Bishnav az nay chun hikoyat myekunad, Va az judoyiho shikoyat myekunad misrali baytini erkin tarjima sharhiy bayonini byerishdan boshlaydi.
The author: Ali ibn Ahmad al–G'uriy
INN: 30
The work is devoted to the interpretation of prayer, sacrifice, manners in various recitations and several surahs. In particular, in the content of the book, the topics are as follows: Statement of repentance, basmala's absence from the Koran, places of recitation, season of recitation, remembrance and calamity, reproach in gossip, long dream, interpretation of the haqala, prayer of the dawn and the Sunnah of the morning, knowledge and matters of Qibla, prayer manners, intention, Fatiha, unbelief, interpretation of the most intimate suras, about the public and judgments, to replace the prayer, judgments, Iftitah takbiri, Ibn Masud tashahhudi tashahuddan kyeyingi mentions, asmoi husno meanings, Messenger s.a.names of v, Falaq, Nos, Ayatal cursiy, interpretation of some verses, meanings of sidq lafzi, Nabiy s.a.tastes of v and others. Various fiqh and mystical sources were used in the work. Sometimes Arabic texts are bypassed, sometimes a Persian comment is written to them. The work is apparently like a review of Shihobiddin Suhravardi's work. The publisher is Khivalik Qari Ali Akbar ibn Abdullah Nogayev. The book is fully saved.
The author: Sufi Allaher
INN: 67
The book has no beginning, no end and no middle. There is no information where hytech is about the name and author. Some pages are nazmiye some prose. Better numbers are mixed. It seems that there are more than one work within the book. The name of the researcher who studied it was named Chahor book.
The author: Ali ibn Ahmad al–G'uriy
INN: 31
The work is devoted to the interpretation of prayer, sacrifice, manners in various recitations and several surahs. In particular, in the content of the book, the topics are as follows: Statement of repentance, basmala's absence from the Koran, places of recitation, season of recitation, remembrance and calamity, reproach in gossip, long dream, interpretation of the haqala, prayer of the dawn and the Sunnah of the morning, knowledge and matters of Qibla, prayer manners, intention, Fatiha, unbelief, interpretation of the most intimate suras, about the public and judgments, to replace the prayer, judgments, Iftitah takbiri, Ibn Masud tashahhudi tashahuddan kyeyingi mentions, asmoi husno meanings, Messenger s.a.names of v, Falaq, Nos, Ayatal cursiy, interpretation of some verses, meanings of sidq lafzi, Nabiy s.a.tastes of v and others. Various fiqh and mystical sources were used in the work. Sometimes Arabic texts are bypassed, sometimes a Persian comment is written to them. The work is apparently like a review of Shihobiddin Suhravardi's work. The publisher is Khivalik Qari Ali Akbar ibn Abdullah Nogayev. The book is fully saved.