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(تفسیر یعقوب چرخی) Tafsiri Ya`kub Charhiy
Field Tafsir
INN: 248
The author: Yakub Charhiy
Source type: Lithography
Language: Persian
Number of pages: 129
Description: The work begins with the interpretation of the surah Fatiha followed by the interpretation of the surah Mulk and end with the last surah. The oyats of the Koran are given in Nash font and in Persian Nastalik. The interpretation is briefly given. The author is a follower of his majesty Bahouddin Nakshband.
Heading: لك الحمد يا من بيده الملك وهو على كل شيء قدير... Ending: کار تو تبدیل اعیان وعطا کار من سهوست ونسیان وخطا