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(رونق الاسلام) Ravnaqul islom
Field theology
INN: 241
The author: -
Source type: Manuscript
Language: Turkic
Number of pages: 70
Description: The beginning and the end of the book is not available. The book begins with a description of the Ashobi Kahf (Companions of the Cave). There are such topics as ablution, prayer, fasting and the stories of the Prophet’s Companions in the form of poetry. The inscriptions are easy to read. As for the inscriptions are slightly stuck together in some cases it makes difficult to read it.
Heading: سیر قیلدیم جنت اهلینی تمام حورلار کیلدی منکا بیردی سلام... Ends with: جنت اهلیکا کانی محتاج ایدی