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(رشحات عین الحیات) Rashahot aynil hayot

Field Tasavvuf

INN: 22

The author: Mavlono Sayfiy ibn Voiz Koshifiy

Source type: Lithography

Language: Persian

Number of pages: 394


Description: Heading: رشحات جان فزا بود از عین الحیات قلوب ارباب علم وعرفان وأصحاب ذوق ووجدان ترشح نموده Ending: رب...غلبنی علی نفسی انه امارة بالسوء...

"Rashahot" is considered the largest work of Ali Safi. Moreover, the author worked on this work for many years (883-909). There is no other large-scale literary work among the works of our classical literature, except “Rashakhot”, which describes in detail the Khojagon sect, that is, manokib Khojagon.

