The author: Abdurahmon Jomiy
INN: 20
The beginning and the ending part of the book are not available. Pages 231–500 are available. Sharhi Mullah, or commentary by Abdurahman Jami on Ibn H...
The author: Saduddin Taftazoniy
The introduction of the book is not available. The work is devoted to the science of puberty. It was published by Busnavi Afandi during the reign of ...
The author: Muslihiddin Mustafo ibn Shamsiddin Kora hisoriy Akhtari
The dictionary by Mashhur Akhtari.Arabic-persian.The full book is available....
Nothing is said about the title and author of the book. But in the part of the colophon, the name of the secretary and the place–time of movement are ...
The author: Ibn Hajib
The book has no beginning. The first work is the work of Kofiya. It was followed by other small treatises on nahw and sarf. Another Nahv work - page 4...
The author: -
Boshi: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الكلمة لفظ وضع لمعنى مفرد وهي اسم وفعل Oxiri: مقيمي بر نجه بست آشنالاركا قران كيلسون...
The author: Hifni Nasif et al
Boshi: حمدا لمن ميز الإنسان بالعقل واللسان وصلاة وسلاما على من أعرب عن الحق بالبرهان Oxiri: حسب ما يقتضيه الموضع نحو هو عالم وأنه فاضل من صدق قصده حسن...
The author: Sayyid Azizkhoja Mahdum is the son of a mufti
Boshi:بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ا آ ر ز Oxiri:بيري مسكاو ديكان كته شهرده بولور ايدي...
Boshi:اورنيكه بير كاف فارسي كيلتوريلور Oxiri:كرفنه شده آلنمش كرفته شده ها آلنمش لر...